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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Software Process and Its Importance in brief

What is Process?
When you work to build a product or system, it’s important to go through a series of predictable steps – a road map that helps you create a timely, high-quality result. The road map that you follow is called a process.

Software Process
The road map or series of predefined steps we use to develop a software system is software process. The Implementation of software process is Software Development Life cycle. E.g. Waterfall, Iterative, V Model, Rapid Application Development (RAD), Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM) etc. This life cycle is called Process Model.
[Ref: Chapter 3, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING -A Practitioner’s Approach Sixth Edition by Roger S. Pressman]

No Process followed in the game

Why process in Important
The Quality of a system is highly influenced by the quality of the process used to acquire, develop and maintain it. Software process provides stability, control and organization in development. Otherwise, the development will become chaotic, unmanageable.

Process centric work
Why Focus on Process?
It Complement your focus on Technology:
- Technology, by itself will more likely not be used efficiently
- Technology, in the context of an appropriate process roadmap, can provide the most benefit.

It complements your focus on People:
- The experience and your work force is not always enough
- Working hard is not the answer
- A well defined process can provide the mean to work smarter
- It shifts the “blame” for problem from the people to process.

When you will understand that your process is poor?
Commitment consistently missed

- Late delivery
- Last minute crunches
- Spiraling costs

No management visibility into progress
- You’re always being surprised
Quality Problem
- Too much rework
- Function do not work properly
- Customer complaints after delivery

Poor moral
- People frustrated
- Is anyone in charge?

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